Decatur County Area Plan Commission Meeting- 7/10/24

The Decatur County Area Plan Commission meeting was held on July 10, 2024 at 7:00 pm. 

The commission approved the meeting minutes from their June 5, 2024 meeting. 

APC Petition 2024-11 – Jacob Johnson received approval to subdivide approx. 5 acres out of 49.37 acres and rezone approx. 2.99 acres out of the approx. 5 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single-family detached dwelling. This request fell under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 920(7) & 915. The property is owned by Walter & Debra Johnson and is located approx. 1/3 of a mile East of 7788 W County Rd 1300 S, Westport in Jackson Township. Jacob said that he is purchasing 5 acres from his parents to construct a single family home. 

APC Petition 2024-12– Randall Stone – requesting to subdivide two (2) approx. 2.1 acre parcels out of 4.208 acres and rezone approx. 2.10 acres on each parcel from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification to sell as buildable parcels. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 920(7) & 915. The property is owned by Randall & Beverly Stone and is located west of 5855 W County Rd 500 S, Greensburg in Sand Creek Township. This petition was tabled due to Mr. Stone not being present. This Petition will be added to the August meeting.

APC Petition 2024-13 – Ricky Koors received approval to subdivide approx. 2 acres out of 96.786 acres and rezone approx. 2 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single-family detached dwelling. This request fell under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 920(7) & 915. The property is owned by the petitioners and is located just South of 3680 E County Rd 700 S, Greensburg in Marion Township. Ricky stated that he is asking to subdivide the 2 acres so that his daughter can build a home. 

Krista Duvall, Area Plan Director came to the commission with requests that she had received from “one, probably two commissioners” concerning proposed Solar Ordinance amendments. Krista read from an email with proposed items listing them as:

  1. Drainage- The request was that the ordinance be amended to state that any damage to drainage tiles be fixed. 
  2. Vegetative Screening- Specifying the amount of vegetative screening to block the view of solar projects. 
  3. Specifying that all materials used be classified as non-toxic when available. 

Krista explained that any project who comes in is already expected to fix any damage to drainage tiles. She believes this is actually a state guideline. Krista said that the original reason for not specifying vegetative screening is due to the extra acreage that would be needed for it and how each project is different and why require the same vegetative screening facing a property no one lives on and expect the solar project to treat that the same as if the project is facing a homeowner. She said this is something the BZA can require and something the project would need to work with its neighbors. 

Several members of the Area Plan Commission responded to these items stating that they feel that 1 & 2 have been discussed during the process of creating the Ordinance. The concern about the 3rd suggested amendment is what constitutes as a toxic material and how to define “when available”.

It was mentioned that most of these concerns would be addressed during the Technical Review. 

Those APC members who voiced their opinion stated that they feel these have for the most part been addressed by the ordinance. If certain parameters are not specified within the ordinance, then the Board of Zoning Appeals will have the authority to require additional components to the project if a solar project is approved. It was also stated that of the plans currently being reviewed there is vegetative screening included and the expectation is if a company brought a solar project to the table, they would have this already built in.

The APC members said that if the commissioners have any questions they are welcome to attend the APC meeting so these concerns can be addressed. One member also said that the commissioners are welcome to contact him about these issues. 

The meeting was adjourned.

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