Decatur County Commissioners

The Decatur County Commissioners met on Monday.

Mark Mohr gave an update. Bridge 73 will have the abutments worked on this week, weather permitting. They are currently working on community crossing grant projects and the goal is to have Millhousen Road paved before the start of school.

Tonya Downey with Mainstreet Greensburg came to the board to request the use of facilities for the Friends of Fred Food Truck Festival. This will be on August 20 on Franklin Street, which will be closed from 3-10 pm. This was approved.

Rick Anderson with Veregy brought light fixtures to share with the board. One commissioner would like the RFP from last month to bei rewritten to include only the court services building.

The commissioners thanked everyone who helped with and came out to the fair this year. Next year’s fair will start a week later on July 13.

911 Director Erika Free rescinded her resignation.

Morgan Schofield


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