Decatur County Commissioners Meeting- 6/3/24

The Decatur County Commissioners met on June 3, 2024 at 6 pm. 

The meeting began with the approval of the May 20th meeting minutes, and the approval of claims and payroll claims. Mark Koors questioned why dispatch is spending $347 on a logo floor mat when no one other than staff is present in the center. Mark will discuss this with the director of dispatch. 

Todd Houk, Highway Department, was not able to be at the meeting as he was on vacation. He sent his report to Mark Koors to read. Mark said that the Highway Department is working on bridge maintenance, patching roads, and sign maintenance. He added that fuel bids and community crossing grants will be due at the next commissioner’s meeting on June 17, 2024. Todd is currently working on Bridge 141’s RFP and Intent. 

Kenny Beuning, Building Inspector, provided an update. Since the last meeting he has completed 30 building inspections, 10 new permits, 3 renewals, and 1 complaint that after investigation it was discovered there are no concerns. He added that he has sent 24 letters out to property owners to be cleaned up. He has heard from 1 property owner and they already filled a dumpster and are getting started on their second one. 

Chad Smith, County Attorney, presented the Park Alcohol Ban Ordinance for its 2nd reading. After discussion was held between the commissioners and the attorney it was discovered that the ordinance requires additional edits before it can be voted on. There were questions as to how specific this ordinance needs to be. Also, comments were made if alcohol has been a concern in the parks presently and in the past. It was said during the discussion that as long as can be remembered there has not been concerns. This discussion included Sheriff Bill Meyerrose and Parks Director Teresa Kovacich. Chad did remind the commissioners that this ban cannot and will not override state statutes that have been implemented with the DORA. This discussion was agreed that they would pass on voting on the 2nd reading during this meeting and would wait until the next meeting after proposed amendments were discussed and made. 

Sean Durbin, Health Department Director, came to the meeting to ask for approval on the Local Food Ordinance that was discussed at the last meeting. This Ordinance falls in line with the way the state is going with assessments. The ordinance states that they will begin doing inspections on a risk assessment instead of a time period. The commissioners approved this ordinance.

The commissioners voted to approve the following policy changes within the handbook. 

-Weapons in Courthouse

-HR involvement in complaint process

The Safe Streets 4 All conversation was discussed. Tony Blodgett provided an update stating that ARPA is going to re-evaluate their funds and then look at voting to approve/disapprove funds for the Safe Streets 4 All project at their next meeting towards the end of June. The commissioners said they would revisit this topic at their first July meeting. 

The commissioners approved the following request for use of facilities:

-Decatur County Family YMCA- 6/29/24- Bike Rolling Tour

-Friends of the Greensburg & Decatur County Animal Shelter- 8/31/24- Jeep Ride Parking at the county lot next to Links. 

-Eagles Wings 5k- 8/24/24- Millhousen Road Closure & Deputy assist

Jeremy Pasel requests that everyone who has questions, comments, or concerns about the proposed Alcohol Ordinance please contact the commissioners. 

Mark Koors said that he and Bryan Robbins met with HWC and RL Turner to discuss the pool. He said that the commissioners need to decide at the next meeting on how much they want to spend on the pool project. This is because READI funds must be allocated by August. HWC presented a pool layout of 6-6.5 million. Mark Koors also advised that 4 Council Members had advised him that the budget should be 4 million and it should be a rehabilitation project. Both Jeremy Pasel and Tony Blodgett instantly raised concerns stating that there had been ongoing meetings which included special sessions, executive sessions, and public sessions and they had been assured that the council had the money and could allocate for a 6 million dollar pool. Tony Blodgett said, “I am exceptionally disappointed in this.” Jeremy Pasel asked, “Can ARPA and READI funds be used for a rehabilitation project instead of a rebuild?” 

It was quickly apparent that both Commissioner Blodget and Pasel were caught off guard. They have been assured for months that the council will handle the funding and they will decide on the build. However, this evening Commissioner Koors said that they were to set a budget for the project and the Council would need to find the funds to fulfill that budget. Commissioner Pasel said that he needs to be fiscally responsible when he gives a number. He asked Danny Peters, Council President (who was in the audience) to get with Council members and get where the funds would be coming from and how taking those funds could affect future projects and ongoing budget needs. 

Teresa Kovacich added that she was working with HWC and RL Turner to get a meeting scheduled with Council and Commissioners. 

Mr. Koors finished the meeting by stating that during the build of the road going to the back of the track at the fairgrounds, they sold some of the timber that was taken down and the fairgrounds earned $7,228.00 for those logs. 

The meeting was adjourned.

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