Greensburg Board of Works

The Greensburg Board of Works met on Tuesday.

Cam Troxell with First Person came to the board with a presentation for a total compensation and benefits study. Their goal is to help employers identify the gaps in employer/employee relationships and how to fix those gaps. The core of their business focuses on insurance, benefits, compensation and human resource strategy. They would like to extend the dialogue with the City of Greensburg and work toward a final scope and eventually issue a proposal with a presentation.

Sheri Slaven came to the board to request road closures for the Caleb Brown Memorial 5k. This year will start in downtown again and they have added a superhero themed fun run. This is September 17 and will be during the Fall Festival. The police Chief has seen the route and is in favor of it. This was approved.

Police Chief Mike McNealy came to the board to discuss interviews for a new hire. They have done the physical agility test and written application and have narrowed it down to 4 applicants for an in person interview on July 20. McNealy presented the DLZ contract for a new HVAC system. The current system is 20 years old and is breaking down with mildew and mold issues. This would be just for a scope assessment and would include construction administration, bidding, and schematic design for $57,500. This was approved. The board approved the purchase of 2 new Charges for the police vehicle fleet.

Fire Chief Nathan Stoermer came to the board to request the purchase of rope rescue technician level training. Stoermer felt that due to timing a 3rd party training was the best fit. This was approved.

The claims were approved.

Morgan Schofield


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